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December Focus is on Cards Dec 5, 2014 | Rei
I'll be focusing on cards this month.

tbh, this kind of program is my least favorite, and it is the most difficult. As it involves taking a very large project, and reworking some of the core aspects. With everything being inter connected, and so many people having vested interests in how things work ... it's like a tapestry in which tugging at one thread pulls at several others.

Please allow me the month to work in peace. Any issues with cards can be reported, with the understanding that their fix will likely have to wait until the final stages of this massive cards overhaul.

Some of the plans I have are :

- selling cards to the site ( ie jewels now for copies you don't want )
- buy back option for recently sold cards ( NPC only )
- PM trading of cards ( you can send a card directly to a member )
- new database storage method for cards
- limits on cards
- better tools for interacting with your cards
- more views, and better organization of features
- better navigation of features
- storing of cards
- simplified relisting of cards after monthly reset

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