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Firstly, I would like to thank Square/Enix for the franchise. I rate FF7 as my all-time favorite rpg of all time.
Note: FF7:Advent Children takes place 2 years after the final battle in FF7. I suggest, to get the complete story, get a hold of Prima's or Brady's guide to FF7 or play the game. The movie is stand alone but, some scenes you may think have no significance without knowing the backstory of FF7.

The Story
Wikipedia states, "This film also sees the introduction of three new characters, Kadaj,Loz and Yazoo, who are planning a reunion with Sephiroth, that will culminate in an assault on the Planet."
They are actually planning a reunion with "Mother" aka Jenova.
The world is going through some hard times, after the calamity that was Meteor. Lawlessness abounds. The populous is stricken by a mysterious disease called Geostigma. The ones stricken the hardest are the children who are generally orphaned or abandoned. Cloud has the disease but tells no one chosing to fight alone against it. Not to give anything away, he's fighting the disease and a reunion that would bring world disaster.

I love this movie. You revisit with old friends and old enemies. My two favorite parts were when Cloud's team gets back together. If you played the game this is a memorable moment. Also, when Yazoo get a phone call and his ringtone is the winning fanfare from the game.

Square/Enix does a great job of putting this together. In a break in the fighting you can see Rude breathing heavily. It's so life-like. 10

The music flowed well with the action setting the mood perfectly. 10

Overall I think it was perfect. 10 The game needed closure and you get it with this.

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